Long Tan Awards hit right note at Conservatorium High

Lieutenant Commander Peter Button, Deputy Director – Fleet Support Contracts office, had the honour of presenting the 2015 Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Awards at Sydney’s Conservatorium High School in February during their annual speech night.
The well deserving 2015 recipients were year 10 student Gabriela Powell-Thomas and Jane Anderson from year 12.
“The school is the only specialist music high school in New South Wales and admission is through a highly competitive process of audition and interview that assesses each applicant’s potential as well as current level of achievement; both musically and academically,” Lieutenant Commander Button said.
“For this year’s intake, although 150 applications were lodged, only one in eleven passed the selection process.”
Apart from compulsory choir and piano, all students are expected to study a minimum of two additional instruments on top of their standard academic workload of history, mathematics, geography and languages.
“In addition there are compulsory music subjects such as composition, chamber music and performance workshops; it is a daunting workload, but they seem to lap it up,” he said.
“I have presented the Long Tan Awards at Conservatorium High School since 2013 and on every occasion I have been most impressed by the outstanding quality of their students.”
The awards started in 2006 to recognise students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both their school and the broader local community. At the same time, the awards also recognise those who display strong values, such as doing one’s best, respect for others and ‘mateship’, characteristics that are integral to Australian society and to the Australian Defence Force.
The awards are an important initiative by the Australian Government in conjunction with the Australian Defence Force designed to encourage senior students – tomorrow’s leaders – to actively participate in the life of their schools and local communities.